arduino uno - see reference photo - reset button in upper lefthand corner. connection points: 1x8 molex: rx,-0: tx,-1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 1x10 molex: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: gnd: aref: ~unlabeled~: ~unlabeled~: 2x3 molex, unlabled just below and to the right of the 1x10 molex: pin1,(by white dot)upperright: pin2,lowerright: pin3: pin4: pin5: pin6: 2x3 molex, labeled ICSP, far right edge of board halfway down: pin1,(by white dot)upperleft: pin2,upperright: pin3: pin4: pin5: pin6: 1x6 molex labeled Analog IN: A0: A1: A2: A3: A4: A5: 1x8 molex labeled POWER: Vin: connect01 GND: connect02 GND: 5V: 3.3V: RESET: IOREF: ~unlabeled~: ------end of arduino sainsmart 15 relay module positioned so that 2x10 header is on the right. 1x2 screw down terminal, on far right edge, 1/4 way down: 12v: connect03 to outside power source positive leg GND: connect04 to outside power source negative/ground leg 2x10 molex header, with pins labeled as such: GND (upper left): GND (upper right): connect02 16: 15: 14: 13: 12: 11: 10: 9: 8: 7: 6: 5: 4: 3: 2: 1: 5v (left): 5v (right): connect01 There are 16 relays (blue rectangles) labeled k1-k16 each has 3 screw down terminals, referred to as KxxL,KxxC,KxxR where xx is the relay number (1-16) and L,C,R is left, center, right. K01L: K01C: K02R: K02L: K02C: K02R: K03L: K03C: K03R: